> 春节2024 > 什么时候才过大年呀英语





Today is New Year\'s Eve, a day where we prepare to welcome the arrival of the new year. In many Chinese households, it is a time for family gatherings, feasts, and traditional festivities.


In English, you can refer to the days from the first day of the lunar year to the fifteenth day of the lunar year as follows:

  • The first day of the lunar year
  • The second day of the lunar year
  • The third day of the lunar year
  • The fourth day of the lunar year
  • And so on...

These days mark the entire celebration period of the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival. During this time, various cultural activities and customs take place, such as lion and dragon dances, lantern festivals, and temple fairs.


In English, you can say \"Today is New Year\'s Eve for the Chinese people, tomorrow is the real New Year.\" This highlights the significance of the first day of the lunar year as the official start of the Chinese New Year.


When referring to the time period during the Spring Festival, you can use \"at Spring Festival.\" For example, \"at Spring Festival, various celebrations and traditions are observed.\" On the other hand, when specifically referring to Chinese New Year\'s Day, you can use \"on Chinese New Year\'s Day.\" This emphasizes that it is a particular day within the Spring Festival celebration.

For instance, you would say \"on Chinese New Year\'s Day, families gather for reunion dinners and exchange red envelopes.\" Similarly, you can use \"at Christmas\" when referring to the time period during the Christmas holiday.


As Chinese New Year approaches, families engage in various preparatory tasks. These include thorough cleaning and decluttering of the house, known as \"spring cleaning.\" It is believed that by doing so, it helps clear out the old and make way for good luck and fortune in the new year.

In addition to cleaning, families make arrangements for decorations and traditional customs. They may hang up red lanterns, put up paper cuttings with auspicious symbols, and prepare offerings for ancestors and deities. These preparations contribute to the overall festive atmosphere and symbolize good wishes for the coming year.


When we refer to the Chinese New Year\'s Eve, we can say \"Chinese New Year\'s Eve.\" It is the day before the official start of the Lunar New Year and holds great importance for Chinese families. On this day, families gather for a reunion dinner, which is considered the most important meal of the year.

春节是几月几日英语 - 业百科

In English, the Spring Festival falls on the first day of the lunar calendar. It is known as the Spring Festival and it marks the beginning of the Chinese lunar year. The Spring Festival is also referred to as Chinese New Year or the Lunar New Year. It is a traditional festival celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy by Chinese people worldwide.


The phrase \"红红火火过大年,团团圆圆好运连\" can be translated as \"Celebrating the Lunar New Year with prosperity and the blessings of togetherness.\" It captures the essence of the Chinese New Year festivities, which involve joyful reunions with loved ones, abundant blessings, and good luck.

大年初二英语怎么说? - 149****9139 的回答

In English, we say \"the second day of Chinese New Year\" to refer to \"大年初二.\" It is part of the Chinese New Year celebration and is usually a day filled with family visits and continued celebrations.


During last year\'s Spring Festival, my family had a special celebration. My uncle and aunt came back from Shanghai to join us, making the reunion even more memorable. We had a grand feast, exchanged gifts, and enjoyed traditional performances. It was a joyous time filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories.